Daily Devotional - Discipleship - WK36 - 9/6/24 - Month of Prayer - Day 6 "Pursuing Peace and Mutual Edification"

Author: Evangelist Lisa Dalton
"Pursuing Peace and Mutual Edification"
Scripture: Romans 14:19

"Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another."

In Romans 14, the Apostle Paul addresses the believers in Rome, encouraging them to live in harmony despite their differences, especially in matters of personal convictions. The early church was a diverse group, comprising both Jewish and Gentile believers who had different practices and traditions. This diversity sometimes led to disputes over what was right or wrong, particularly concerning dietary laws and the observance of certain days.

Paul's guidance is simple yet profound: focus on what brings peace and builds each other up. This verse reminds us that our actions and words should aim to foster unity and strengthen the community of believers. It challenges us to consider whether our behaviors contribute to the peace and growth of others or if they cause division and stumbling.

  • Seek Peace: In your interactions with others, especially within the church, prioritize peace. This does not mean avoiding difficult conversations but approaching them with a heart geared toward reconciliation and understanding.

  • Build Up, Do not Tear Down: Consider how your words and actions impact those around you. Are you encouraging others in their faith, or are you causing them to doubt or stumble? Strive to be a source of strength and support.

  • Respect Differences: Understand that not every believer will share the same convictions as you. Respect their journey and seek common ground rather than focusing on differences.


Lord, help me to be a peacemaker in my community. Grant me the wisdom to build up those around me and to respect the differences that exist within the body of Christ. May my words and actions always lead to unity and the edification of others. Amen.

1 Comment

Robenia Leak - September 6th, 2024 at 10:11am




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