2024Year of Establishment
"Chosen to Succeed"

23rd Annual Month of Prayer
"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew fort the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."
                          -I Peter 2:9

HSM 40 Day Consecration Weekday Devotional


Elder Derrick D. Rodgers
Dean of Christian Education
Sister Joy Greer
Asst. Sunday School Supt.
Evangelist Lisa Dalton

We Care About the WHOLE You...and Your Family!

Here Are 7 Ways to Improve Your Health

1. Stay Hydrated!

First thing's first! Staying hydrated is crucial to good health. Did you know that you can get dehydrated regardless of the temperature outside? Your body loses a lot of fluid during the cold, dry winter months, and many are less diligent about hydration. Make a point to drink water and replenish fluids.

#2 Set Attainable Weight Loss Goals

How much weight can you reasonably hope to lose? Again, that will depend on your starting weight. In general, the higher your body fat percentage, the faster you’ll be able to lose fat. As your body fat and weight decrease, and gradually approach healthy levels for you, your progress will slow. Generally, a modest and realistic goal would be to lose about one percent of your body weight each week. Take a look at your goal weight, and then make sure it’s attainable within your planned time frame.

Consider Personal Factors

A lot of different personal factors are involved in deciding whether your fitness goals are realistic. Start by considering your starting point. If you’ve never exercised a day in your life, it may take you a while to work up to running a marathon. Similarly, if you’re interested in getting down to a specific goal weight, think about how that relates to your current numbers and your end date.

Consider Your Overall Lifestyle

How frequently can you workout? Are you able to prepare all of your meals and stick to your proposed diet? What kind of workout equipment do you have available? Will it support your goals? Is your sleep schedule and overall self-care routine set up to support this new venture? Keeping these important factors in mind will help you ensure that your fitness goals are realistic.

#4 Get Outdoors!

- Being in Nature Boosts Life Satisfaction
- Soaking up the Sun Elevates Vitamin D Levels
- Spending Time Outdoors Lowers Blood Pressure
- Outdoor Time Can Reduce Inflammation
- Being Outside is Good for Eyesight
- Being Outdoors Burns More Calories
- Outdoor Time Improves Sleep
- Spending Time Outdoors Increases Happiness

#5 Visit Your Primary Care Physician

The choices you make contribute to your overall health and wellness but you don’t have to go it alone. Scheduling annual visits with your doctor is one of the best things you can do to maintain good health and wellness. Request an appointment with your primary care physician TODAY! An Urgent Care visit cannot take the place of establishing and maintaining a relationship with your own physician.

#6 Get Your Flu Shot 

The choices you make contribute to your overall health and wellness but you don’t have to go it alone. Scheduling annual visits with your doctor is one of the best things you can do to maintain good health and wellness. Request an appointment with your primary care physician TODAY! An Urgent Care visit cannot take the place of establishing and maintaining a relationship with your own physician.

#7 Make Sleep a Priority

A good night's sleep is essential for maintaining optimal health and well-being. Quality sleep allows the body to repair and rejuvenate itself, enhancing physical health by boosting the immune system, improving heart function, and regulating metabolism. Mental health also benefits from restful sleep, as it aids in cognitive functions like memory consolidation, problem-solving, and emotional stability. Additionally, a well-rested mind can enhance productivity, creativity, and decision-making abilities, making daily tasks more manageable and reducing stress levels.

#8 Find Your Sleep Rhythm

Sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your physical, emotional, and mental health.
Be mindful about when, how, and how much you sleep.
Check out the benefits of understanding Circadian Rhythm...you'll be so glad you did.

"You can go to bed without fear; you will lie down and sleep soundly."  -Proverbs 3:24