"Drive and Go Forward"

Nov 20, 2022    Supt. D. K. Samu-el, Sr,

Pastor Samu-el shares this powerful message of desperation and disappointment in the midst of hope and optimism - all in the same text! The man of God promised the woman a son; God blessed her with the son; then the son died! The sermon explores the highs and lows of this woman's blessing, and her determination to hold God to account. This is encouragement for all of us, that even when a blessing brings disappointment... our faith in God's promise to us keeps us focused! As the woman rushed to the man of God for intervention - she tells the driver of carriage to "Drive and God Forward, slack not your reins, lest I bid thee"! Powerful words from this woman! We too, must "Drive and God Forward" to get to our place of promise!